
Thursday 18 July 2013

Monday 1 July 2013

5 reasons to upgrade to Windows 8.1

The Windows 8.1 preview is here, giving us a first-hand glimpse at the fruits of Microsoft’s newfound rapid-release religion. Remolding an operating system in eight scant months is a tall task indeed, and while Windows 8.1 is still far from perfect, Microsoft managed to craft a fairly capable reimagining of its new-look OS in the short time since Windows 8 debuted last October. 

Wednesday 26 June 2013


How does the Internet Works?

The internet is a worldwide collection of computer networks, cooperating with other to exchange data using a common software standard. Through telephone wires and satellite links, internet users can share information in a variety of forms. The size, scope and design of the internet allow users to:

  • Connect easily through ordinary personal computers and local phone numbers;
  • Exchange electronic mail (E-mail) with friends and colleagues with accounts on the internet;
  • Post information for others to access, and update it frequently;
  • Access multimedia information that includes sound, photographic images and even video; and
  • Access diverse perspectives from around the world.

An additional attribute of the internet is the\at it lacks a central authority – in other words, there is no “internet, Inc.” that controls the internet. Beyond the various governing boards that works to establish policies and standards, the internet is bound by few rules and answers to no single organization.

The History of the Internet

Tuesday 18 June 2013

IBB To Expose Buhari Over Missing $2.8B Oil Money

A complex situation that may be too hot to handle may soon erupt between two former heads of states, General Buhari and General Babangida over political differences.
Babagida has threatened to bring up an issue that seems likely to create conflicts if not quenched now.

“On Gen. Buhari, it is not in IBB’s tradition to take up issues with his colleague former President. But for the purpose of record, we are conversant with Gen. Buhari’s so-called holier-than-thou attitude.

138 area boys arrested in Lagos, 66 sent to jail

Officials of the Enforcement Unit of the Lagos State Task Force on Environment and Special Offences have arrested 138 suspected hoodlums in various parts of the state.

This was even as residents of Adeniji Adele on Lagos Island decried the increase in crime rate in the area. They lamented that the various state government gardens had been taken over by the hoodlums, snatching cell phones and handbags from unsuspecting passersby.

6 questions to ask yourself before ending your marriage

One of most tortuous parts of a failing marriage is the wondering: Are things going to get better? Worse? Are they going to stay the same?
1. Do I Have A Hard Or A Soft Problem?
If you have what marital therapists call a “hard” problem, for example, your spouse is abusing you or has untreated addictions, says William Doherty, PhD, lead researcher on the Minnesota Couples on the Brink Project at the University of Minnesota, then you need to get out the situation immediately. But let’s say you’re like most people in a tough relationship, and, on thinking about ending things find yourself saying things such as, “We’ve grown apart,” or “We’re just not in love anymore.” That’s code , says Doherty, for another, unrecognized problem. Are you lonely or feeling isolated? Do you feel disliked, criticized or ignored? If you don’t know the specifics of what’s making you unhappy, it’s pretty hard to figure out the specifics of what will make you happy — whether these things have to do with your current partner or anybody else.

Police Arrests Lawyer and His Gang For Armed Robbery

A lawyer who abandoned his practice to lead a deadly armed robbery gang met his doom recently when his gang was busted by men of the Nigeria Police Force, Oyo State command.

The lawyer, Babatunde Oretuyi was paraded with 11 other dare-devil armed robbers, who specialises in robbing their victims of exotic cars and other valuables like expensive phones, laptops.

The State Police Commissioner, Mohammed Indabawa, while parading the suspects, said the arrest of Babatunde and his gang followed their incrimination in the latest car snatching operation in Ogbomoso and other towns in some neighbouring states.

Singer J Martins Surprises 18 Year Old Fan With $10,000 Wristwatch

18-year-old Musa Isa from Kogi State got the surprise of his life on Saturday June 15th when J Martins called him on stage during the 2nd leg of the Star Music Trek in Lokoja and gave him a wrist watch valued at $10, 000…which is a little over N1.5million.
J.Martins then urged the secondary school student to work hard and face his studies squarely. Musa couldn’t contain his joy and said he will remember this act of generosity for a long time to come.

Whispering into Musa’s ears…”Now sell the watch and put the money into a savings to help further your education”. Abi, my people?

Koscielny 'a target for Bayern and Barca'

Arsenal defender Laurent Koscielny is a summer target for both Barcelona and Bayern Munich, his agent has said.

Laurent Koscielny
PA PhotosKoscielny has been in impressive form for Arsenal

Monday 17 June 2013

How To Make Your Phone Untappable

In 1991, Philip Zimmermann developed a humble-sounding electronic encryption technology known as Pretty Good Privacy. In fact, it was very good–so good that not even the federal government has been able to crack it, a fact that has made Zimmermann a folk hero to privacy advocates and a headache to law enforcement.

Now Zimmermann, a fellow at Stanford Law School’s Center for Internet and Society, has found himself back in the fiery debate between federal investigators and those who oppose their snooping–this time thanks to ZRTP, a technology for encrypting Internet telephone calls. ZRTP throws a wrench in the Bush administration’s controversial warrant-free wiretapping program and its proposed legal immunity for the telecommunications companies. So far, not even teams of supercomputers and cyberspies at the National Security Agency have cracked ZRTP. That means anyone who uses Zimmermann’s Zfone software, a ZRTP-enabled voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) program available for free on his Web site, can skirt the feds’ wiretapping altogether.

Google Balloon Project Gets Off The Ground

Google has unveiled plans to provide the internet to the billions who cannot currently access the web - using balloons circling the globe.

The internet giant's secretive X research lab is behind the move, called Project Loon in recognition of how strange the idea sounds.

Scientists launched a trial on Saturday in New Zealand's South Island, letting off a string of jellyfish-shaped balloons in the sky about Lake Tekapo.

The aim is for the flimsy helium-filled inflatables, which are made from plastic film, to beam the internet back down to earth as they sail past on the wind.

Samsung Reveals S4 Galaxy 4G 'Double Speed'

 Samsung's flagship Galaxy S4 smartphone

Electronics giant Samsung plans to sell a variation of its flagship Galaxy S4 smartphone that will transmit data at nearly twice the normal speed, it has confirmed.

Daughter Beheads Father For Raping Her

Papua New Guinea -- A teenage girl chopped her father's head clean off with a bush knife after he raped her in their home in the highlands of Papua New Guinea. Now residents of the village have formed a protective ring around the 18-year-old, refusing to hand her over to the police because they agreed her 'evil' father deserved to die.

"He Deserved to Die": Daughter Beheads Father For Raping Her, Locals Approve
A local church leader, Pastor Lucas Kumi from the village of Rang in the Western Highlands, said the entire community would refuse to allow the girl to be subjected to any official investigation.

'The people and leaders in our area went and saw the headless body of the father after the girl reported the incident to them and explained why she had killed her father,' said Pastor Kumi.

He said the father, in his mid-40s, raped his daughter when they were alone in their house after the mother and two other children from the family went to visit relatives for the night.

'The father went to his daughter's room in the night and raped her repeatedly. The father wanted to rape his daughter again in the morning and that was when the young girl picked up the bush knife and chopped her father's head off,' said Pastor Kumi. 'We've all agreed that she is free to stay in the community because the father deserved to die. The daughter did what she did because of the trauma and the evil actions of her father, so that is why we have all agreed that she remains in the community.'

He said a ring of protection had been placed around the girl, who will be kept away from any official investigation.

'The community have also agreed not to conduct any formal burial service for the father.'
Crimes of rape, murder, suspected witch killings and prostitution are rife throughout Papua New Guinea and as a desperate attempt to stop the lawlessness the government recently re-introduced the death penalty for serious offences.

But at the weekend a local newspaper reported the results of an investigation into child prostitution, a report, it said, that will 'make you cringe.'

Children aged between 13 and 16, said the paper, were selling sex in the nightclubs of the capital, Port Moresby, five premises being reported to be engaged in the under-age prostitution trade. Three non-government organisations have produced a report based on interviews with no less than 175 child sex workers.

'It's true - our girls, and especial school girls, are being bought and sold for sex,' said one of the investigators.

Bible-Burning Cleric Jailed For 11 Years

A hard-line Muslim cleric received an 11-year suspended sentence today for tearing up and burning a Bible, Egypt's official news agency said.

Bible-Burning Cleric Jailed For 11 YearsCairo's Nasr City court sentenced Ahmed Abdullah and his son was given a suspended sentence of eight years over the same incident, the Middle East News Agency reported.
The two were ordered to pay a fine of 5,000 Egyptian pounds. The ruling can be appealed against.

Abdullah ripped up a Bible and burned it during a September 11 rally by ultraconservative Salafi Muslims in front of the US Embassy in Cairo, protesting against an anti-Islam film produced in the United States.

It was a rare prosecution over attacks on faiths other than Islam. Over the past two years, attacks by extremist Muslims against followers of other religions, mostly Christians, have been on the increase.

According to Egyptian law, showing contempt toward Christianity, Islam and Judaism known as "heavenly" religions is a crime. Lawyers and rights groups complain the definition of contempt of religion is vague and has been used most often against critics of Islam.

China Builds World's Fastest Supercomputer

China has built the world's fastest supercomputer, almost twice as fast as the previous US holder and underlining the country's rise as a science and technology powerhouse.

China Builds World's Fastest Supercomputer

The semiannual TOP500 official listing of the world's fastest supercomputers released Monday says the Tianhe-2 developed by the National University of Defense Technology in central China's Changsha city is capable of sustained computing of 33.86 petaflops per second.

That's the equivalent of 33,860 trillion calculations per second. The Tianhe-2, which means Milky Way-2, knocks the US Department of Energy's Titan machine off the  №1 spot. It achieved 17.59 petaflops per second.

Supercomputers are used for complex work such as modeling weather systems, simulating nuclear explosions and designing jetliners.

It's the second time China has been named as having built the world's fastest supercomputer.
In November 2010, the Tianhe-2's predecessor, Tianhe-1A, had that honour before Japan's K computer overtook it a few months later.China Builds World's Fastest Supercomputer

The Tianhe-2's achievement shows how China is leveraging rapid economic growth and sharp increases in research spending to join the United States, Europe and Japan in the global technology elite.

"Most of the features of the system were developed in China, and they are only using Intel for the main compute part," said TOP500 editor Jack Dongarra in a news release accompanying the announcement.

"That is, the interconnect, operating system, front-end processors and software are mainly Chinese," said Mr Dongarra, who toured the Tianhe-2 development facility in May.

'Pregnant' Teen Boys Ads Aimed to Stop Unwanted Pregnancies

PHOTOS: 'Pregnant' Teen Boys Ads Aimed to Stop Unwanted Pregnancies
Chicago, U.S. -- When you first see Chicago's new teen pregnancy campaign, you will probably have to do a double take. The ad boasts a shirtless teenage boy sporting a baby bump with the tag line: "Unexpected? Most teen pregnancies are. Avoid unplanned pregnancies and STIs. Use condoms. Or wait."

Man With the Longest Mustache in the World

Ram Singh Chauhan of India is the proud owner of the world's longest moustache, officially recorded by Guinness World Records as 4.29m (14ft) long. But what is the secret of his success? Here he offers five tips.

PHOTOS: Man With the Longest Mustache in the World

1. Start growing early - as soon as you can. Chauhan, now 54, started growing his moustache in 1970 - facial hair grows fastest in one's youth, he says. "As you grow old your hormones grow weak, so the speed slows down."

And, of course, he has never cut it, "apart from trimming around the lip area".

2. Groom it well. Chauhan spends an hour every day cleaning and combing his moustache. "I massage it and oil it regularly and I wash it every 10 days which takes a long time," he says. "My wife helps me." He uses a coconut-based hair oil.

3. Get your family on your side. Chauhan's wife Asha says they used to fight over his moustache in the early years. "He used to take a long time to get ready, to wash and also people used to stare at him," she says.
PHOTOS: Man With the Longest Mustache in the World

She didn't feel comfortable. But later, as he started getting recognition for his long moustache, she started to like it and to respect his commitment. Now, she says, the moustache is like a part of the family and she shares his pride in it.

Chauhan wraps his moustache in cloths matched to his outfits. Sleeping can be uncomfortable but he says there's no gain without pain and he wouldn't want it any other way. "I am special with my moustache, and I have never dreamt of being without it."

4. Don't be a slave to fashion. When he was younger, Chauhan says, moustaches were very much in vogue in his home country. He earned a lot of respect from fellow students at college, but finds the youth of today have little interest in facial hair. "My own son doesn't have one," he says regretfully.
PHOTOS: Man With the Longest Mustache in the World

But in the UK, the Handlebar Club says it has noticed a resurgence in bewhiskered men. The popularity of Movember, which last year inspired more than 850,000 men in 14 countries to grow a moustache, is definitely a factor, says Parsons.

"We used to attract the older gentlemen but recently our membership has got younger. At our last AGM we had lots of men in their 20s and 30s."

Grandpa And Grandson Arrested With $12,000 Worth Of Heroin

Photo - Grandpa And Grandson Arrested With $12,000 Worth Of Heroin
A 73-year-old man and his grandson have been arrested in a Pittsburgh drug raid after police say they found heroin bricks, drug packaging material and guns in a search of their home.

Gunfight Between JTF and Boko Haram In Yobe

Residents of Damaturu, the Yobe state capital, have reported about a gun battle between security forces and members of the Boko Haram, which lasted for over 5 hours on Sunday night.

The relative peace which currently being enjoyed in Damaturu, the Yobe state capital, suffered a setback as sound of gunshots were heard throughout the night.

Sporadic gunshots were heard within the Damaturu metropolis around 9pm and lasted for over five hours.
Although an official statement is still being expected from either the Joint Task Force (JTF) or the police on the cause of the gunshots, residents believe it was a clash between security forces and the radical Islamic sect, the Boko Haram.

Yobe State government had four days ago reviewed the restriction of movement from 9pm to 6am in Damaturu, while curfew in other towns remained 6pm to 6am daily.

The last time gunshots were heard in Damaturu was 9 months ago when a field commander of the radical sect; Bakaka was killed in a gun duel with JTF at Khandahar area of Damaturu.

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To Unlock the New MTN Huawei E303 Modem, read this post and you are done, if after reading you still can’t unlock it, may i encourage you to follow the steps again? Because it is ACTUALLY WORKING. So lets get started…

Scrabble app changes anger players on Facebook

Thousands of players have taken to Facebook to complain about changes made to a popular mobile Scrabble app.

The changes have been made by Electronic Arts (EA), which took over the running of the app from Scrabble brand owner Mattel at the end of May.

Scrabble app

Players are angry that their player histories have been wiped, the dictionary has changed and the board no longer refreshes itself after a turn.

Mattel apologised but added that the update had also attracted new players.
The firm said new features included the ability to play the game in six languages, customise the board, and pay for an ad-free version.

The game also uses the Collins dictionary rather than the traditional Chambers edition.

The app's official page on Facebook has more than 3.6m "likes" but most of these were amassed before the update and almost all of the recent comments are from players asking for the old version to be returned.

A Facebook group set up by players called "please bring back the Scrabble we love" has more than 2,000 members.

Power Outage Delays Over 70 Flights At Abuja Airport

There is a report that over 70 flights are currently being delayed because of power failure at the Nnamdi Azikiwe Airport Abuja.

The situation has left many travellers stranded and frustrated as several planes have been unable to take off.

A source and close aid of one of the serving ministers confided in THISDAY that the chaotic situation has lasted over three hours with no explanation from FAAN and other relevant authorities.

Day Achebe Cried Over 'Things Fall Apart'

There is a Things Fall Apart movie after all, and it is made in Hollywood. Segun Oyekunle is one of the few people who saw it, as a film student in the US, and he understood why the late Chinua Achebe wept over the movie. In this piece, he recounts seeing Achebe weep over the movie and why the movie has not been released.

I have read almost every encomium on Prof. Chinua Achebe, and I don't think it can ever be enough to add another. In fact, I feel I must add this one because none has mentioned the man's desire to shoot his works in film, which was totally aborted by the debacle that was 'Things Fall Apart' the film, variously called 'Bullfrog in the Sun'.

Catholic Church Oppose Use Of Condom

The Catholic church says it opposes artificial family planning techniques, because it encourages bastardisation of sexual activities by young people and “impedes normal procreation.”

The Secretary-General of the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria, Rev. Fr. Ralph Madu, made this clarification in a response to an enquiry by The PUNCH on Sunday.

He said, “The Catholic Church believes that modern means, including the use of condoms is morally bad because it impedes normal procreation. You can meet with your wife when you do not want children and those periods when the woman is not fertile instead of having to destroy the sperm and all other forms of artificial prevention.

FG Considers Strong Anti-Smoking Laws


Nigeria is set to roll out firmer laws against smoking to guard against diseases related to tobacco consumption, Health Minister Onyebuchi Chukwu announced, saying the current anti-smoking legislation in the country is weak.

"We are bringing out a very strong law," Onyebuchi said of forthcoming anti-smoking legislation. "What was there wasn't strong enough."

Speaking in Abuja at the 2013 ministerial platform, where ministries deliver mid-term reports from their sectors, the minister said weak anti-smoking laws and tobacco consumption exposed many to diseases such as bronchitis, ulcers, cancers and possible death.

Chukwu said considering health dangers posed by tobacco; stronger anti-smoking laws would leave no options. "If you don't like it, go to a country where you can smoke yourself to death," he said.

Noting achievements in the health sector, minister of state for health Muhammad Pate, observed 47% reduction in maternal mortality--from 789 deaths per 100,000 in 2009 to 369 in 2013. In all, Pate remarked, interventions up till now have saved more than 200,000 lives of women and children alone.

4 killed in UNIBEN cult clash

STILL smarting from the loss of a final year student who was allegedly killed by police on May 27 in Benin City, the campus of the University of Benin was last weekend thrown into turmoil after cult clash between rival cult groups in the campus resulted into the death of some students.

Oshiomhole Bans Motorcycles, Tricycles From Edo Cities

The Edo government on Sunday threatened to destroy commercial motorcycles or tricycles, popularly known as Keke NAPEP, that flouted the orders on their use.

Gov. Adams Oshiomhole, in a state broadcast, banned the use of motorcycles and tricycles in major streets in five local government areas of the state.

Horrific allergic reactions. How false lashes can leave you in Agony

Three months before her wedding day, Louise Jackson booked into a salon for a set of eyelash extensions.

This is a process where individual synthetic lashes are glued onto your own, promising a lash- boosting effect lasting up to six weeks.

Louise had never had the treatment before, but this was a trial run for the longer, fuller lashes she hoped would add a bit of glamour to her big day.

Painful: Sarah Fletcher's sore eyes after lash extensions
As Sarah is today
Painful: Sarah Fletcher's sore eys after lash extensions. Right: As she is today

Boko Haram attacks four churches, kills Pastor, two others in Gwoza

One month after the declaration of emergency rule to fight insurgency in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa states, violence has erupted again, as gunmen suspected to be members of Islamist terrorist sect attacked four communities of Hwa’a, Kunde, Gathahure and Gjigga of Gwoza Hills settlements, torching four churches with Improvised Explosives Devices,IEDS, and petro-bombs Thursday afternoon.

The keys to inspired leadership

Bill Gates writes about leadership lessons he has learned. (Stefan Postles/Getty Images)
Bill Gates writes about leadership lessons he has learned. (Stefan Postles/Getty Images)
Leadership. What is it, exactly? What are the hallmarks of leadership? And why does it seem so hard to find good leaders?

Sunday 16 June 2013

Jonathan/Amaechi Faceoff: Dame Patience Relocates To Port Harcourt

The alleged move by the Presidency to remove the Rivers State Governor Rotimi Amaechi took a dramatic turn yesterday as the first lady, Dame Patience Jonathan, has decided to take the bull by the horn in the matter.
LEADERSHIP Sunday gathered that the first lady’s visit to Port Harcourt was a move to ensure that the State House of Assembly members are mobilised to ensure Governor Amaechi’s impeachment from office.

The first lady moved into a newly-built mansion in Port Harcourt, the Rivers State capital. She is expected to spend 11 days in Port Harcourt. But our sources said that the first lady has vowed not to leave the Garden City until the governor is finally removed from office.

It was gathered that as at yesterday night, Dame Jonathan had met with some of the lawmakers in an alleged move to start the plot to hasten the impeachment process, while the venue of the meeting could not be ascertained as at press time.

Akpabio Calls For Thorough Investigation

photoGovernor Godswill Akpabio of Akwa Ibom State has called for the establishment of a panel to probe the riot that erupted in the University Of Uyo (UNIUYO), resulting in property damage of millions of Naira, so as to bring the culprits to book.

On Wednesday, students of the Department of Engineering staged a demonstration to the Office of the

Vice-Chancellor to protest the hike in the transport fare from the institution's town campus to the permanent campus.  The peaceful protest however turned awry: two students were reported to have been killed; the offices of the Vice Chancellor and the Deputy Vice Chancellor were torched; and several cars and the security post were vandalised.

Friday 14 June 2013

7 Simple Steps That Would Make Her Say YES!

You have always wanted her, but she wouldn’t just co-operate! Your heart races every time you see her, but she insisted that she wouldn’t date you…..

Here are things you should do that would make her change her decision and give you a big YES!

1. Turn your weaknesses to strength. What are those things that might have made her say a ‘no’ at first? Work on them!

2. Be fashionable. This doesn’t means you have to go about in all the designer wears. Just ensure you dress properly, be neat and have a high self esteem. Be courageous as well.

MTN Nigeria Discontinues SIM Swap By Proxy

The Corporate Services Executive of MTN Nigeria, Akinwale Goodluck, has announced the decision of the company to discontinue SIM swaps by proxy with effect from June 7.

Mr. Goodluck said this in a statement on Thursday in Lagos. He said that after June 7, customers who wished to swap or replace their SIM cards as a result of their phones being stolen, destroyed or misplaced must do so in person. According to him, the decision was taken in order to protect customers’ data and preserve the overall integrity of the SIM swap process.
recent months, unscrupulous elements have started to exploit the proxy SIM swap process and there have been incidents of unauthorised people fraudulently obtaining SIM cards belonging to others. “The implication of this decision is that customers will now have to appear in person at the service outlets nearest to them to request and obtain new SIM cards.

“Such requests will be treated promptly after proper ID validation from the SIM registration database and upon presentation of valid identification such as ID card, international passport or driver’s licence,” he said.

Mikel Obi Agrees To Join Galatasaray

Chelsea midfielder Mikel Obi has given his word to Turkish champions Galatasaray he wishes to join them. 

photo Chelsea midfielder Mikel Obi has given his word to Turkish champions Galatasaray he wishes to join them.
Galatasaray sporting director Bulent Tulun said Mikel has agreed in principle to join them, according to a leading Turkey football website fotomac.

Messi Could Be Jailed For Four Years

Lionel Messi, the Barcelona star footballer and his father are accused of scamming $5.3 million in taxes from Spanish authorities. Along with his father, Jorge Horacio Messi, the high income player is accused of fraudulent tax returns for 2007, 2008 and 2009.

It’s clear this won’t be a simple case. A judge must accept the prosecutor’s lawsuit before any charges could be brought.

This is bad press for the World Star player but centers on companies and endorsement deals. Tax advisers can be expected to contend that this is no more than tax planning, not unlike aggressive football play.

According to Forbes, Messi earns $41.3 million per year, making him the 10th highest-paid athlete in the world. But not all of it is for actual play.

He is said to collect $21 million from endorsement deals, including Adidas. He makes about $20 million from Barcelona. Only David Beckham and Cristiano Ronaldo had higher earnings from soccer. In a statement released via his Facebook page, Messi said:

Thursday 13 June 2013

World’s Tallest Teen Finds Love

It is difficult to believe that Elisany da Cruz Silva, is just 17, and she holds the record of the world’s tallest teen girl at 6ft 8in. But if you think that will make the boys feel intimidated by her height you got it wrong because Elisany is in a relationship with Francinaldo da Silva Carvalho, 22, who stands at 5ft 4in.


And such love comes with a high price – he has to practically stand on his toes and crane his neck to get a kiss.

Kim Kardashian Upset with Kanye West

Kim Kardashian Upset with Kanye WestKim Kardashian allegedly wishes Kanye West would accommodate her more.

The 32-year-old reality TV star, who is no longer able to fly as she is due to give birth to the couple's first child in Los Angeles early next month, is upset that the New Slaves hitmaker celebrated his 36th birthday at a star-studded bash without her in New York City on Saturday.

A source told gossip website "Kim is so close to giving birth and she's big and uncomfortable and knowing Kanye partied with all of their friends really made her mad."

Mystery Surrounding Plane Found In Filling Station

A scrap private plane belonging to Bethel Ministeries Inc. stirred panic on Thursday morning as the rumour spread that another aircraft had crashed in Lagos.
On hearing the news, hundreds of residents trooped out with their camera phones and queued behind the gate bar of Dapsey Oil filling station at Igando where the plan was packed to take shots.

A senior officer of the filling station said the plane was being removed from the Ikeja Airport to Badagry when one of the tires burst and it had to be packed around 2am.

The police are having tough time controlling the swelling crowd and a young man has been arrested by the Igando police station.

Food Seller Goes Gaga, Removes Clothes After Confessing To Using Mortuary Water To Cook Food

A woman who is the owner of a popular buka in Portharcourt confessed last Saturday to using diabolical means to entice customers, as well as take their “destinies.”


According to eye witnesses, the woman, who is from Akwa Ibom, suddenly ran mad while at her buka located at Aleto in Eleme Local Government area of Port-Harcourt, Rivers state.
They say she suddenly started acting bizarre, tore her clothes and started confessing how she employed diabolical means for the growth of her business.

Police Confirm One Death, 45 Arrests at UniUyo

The Akwa Ibom State Police Command has confirmed the death of a student, following the violent protest by students of the University of Uyo on Wednesday.

The Commissioner of Police in the State, Umar Gwadabe, confirmed the death of the student in an interview with a correspondent of the News Agency of Nigeria on Thursday in Uyo.

People With Stunning Physiques

Genetics plays a large role in the appearance and behavior of organisms. Sometimes humans can't even imagine what mother nature prepared for us.

Chandra Wisnu (The Bubble Skin Man) is a married father of four living in Indonesia afflicted by an extreme case ofNeurofibromatosis type I (NF-1), a tumor disorder that is caused by a gene malfunction and causes non-cancerous lumps. The disease is genetic and affects up to one in 2500 people.

Four NANS Leaders Die In Auto Accident On Way To Uyo

The Senate President of the National Association of Nigerian Students, Donald Onukaoguu, and four other students have been killed in a road crash.

Four NANS Leaders Die In Auto Accident On Way To Uyo
The accident scene where NANS leaders died near Owo in Ondo State

The students met their end yesterday on their way to the University of Uyo, Akwa-Ibom State, to intervene in the current crisis rocking that institution.

The lone survivor for the accident claimed that an illegal road block mounted by the police was responsible for the tragedy. Now he is receiving treatment at the Federal Medical Centre, Umuahia,

Man Slumps At Bus-stop, Asks For Food

A middle-aged man caused confusion at Sabo bus-stop in Yaba area of Lagos State after he suddenly slumped.

The man, who was identified simply as Taiwo, a resident of the area, fell down around 10am at the junction as policemen directing traffic watched in horror.

Our correspondent, who witnessed the incident, observed that immediately Taiwo fell, policemen from Sabo Police Division, who were directing the traffic, moved towards the victim.

Doctors Use Superglue To Stop Bleeding From Brain Of Baby

Photo - Doctors Use Superglue To Stop Bleeding From Brain Of BabyThe unbelievable happened at the University of Kansas Hospital when doctors had to apply superglue to stop the bleeding from the brain of a baby to save her life during an emergency surgery after it was discovered that Baby Ashlyn Julian was suffering from brain aneurysm.

The baby was discovered to be bleeding from two places. The mother said she observed that baby Ashyln was not her usually self as she kept screaming and didn’t respond well to care as opposed to her quietness.

Drink This To Get Bigger Muscles And Have Better Sex

According to The Journal of Physiology, 75 per cent of your body is made up of water. Not surprisingly, dehydration will make your life exhausting because you are depriving yourself of nutrients.

And, more often than not, because thirst is a poor indication of dehydration, we often don’t realise we’re not drinking enough fluids until it’s a little too late.

Most people don’t realise it, but they do not have a sufficient intake of fluids during the day. While eight glasses of water per day is a reliable guide, factors such as air-conditioning, diet and physical activity levels all influence the amount of fluids one needs to drink.

Here are reasons why you should drink more water;

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Pope Francis Never Wanted To Be Pope

Pope Francis revealed that he never wanted to be pope and that he’s living in the Vatican hotel for his “psychiatric” health, on Friday.
Pope Francis Never Wanted To Be Pope

Francis showed a personal and spontaneous side as he met with thousands of children from Jesuit schools across Italy and Albania. Tossing aside his prepared remarks, Francis surprised the kids by asking them if they’d like to ask him some questions instead.

Notorious Fraudster, Fred Ajudua Sent To Prison

A Lagos High Court sitting in Ikeja Tuesday ordered that notorious fraudster Fred Ajudua be remanded in Kirikiri Prisons over a fraud charge filed against him since 2003.
Notorious Fraudster, Fred Ajudua Sent To Prison
Fred Ajudua has been standing trial before the court over allegations of fraud to the tune of over $1.5 billion but has refused to attend the trial since four years ago after being granted bail by the trial judge, Justice Olubunmi Oyewole.
The judge issued a warrant for his arrest since then but police authorities have not been able to produce him in court since then prompting an unending adjournments in the matter.
Fred Ajudu however appeared in court Tuesday with a request for bail since the court had revoked the earlier one he was granted. Justice Oyewole, however, turned down the hearing of the request and instead made an order that he should be remanded in prison custody pending the hearing of the bail application.

Making the order, the judge said: “The first defendant ceased to be on bail since December 15, 2006 when his bail was revoked.

The case has been held up as the agents of the Federal Government of Nigeria have been unable to execute the warrant of arrest issued on January 24, 2005.
“The first defendant is hereby ordered to be remanded in prison.

Balotelli Proposes To Girlfriend With 25 Million Naira Ring

MARIO Balotelli is set to wed girlfriend Fanny Neguesha — after proposing with a £100,000 ring.

The former Manchester City ace gave the Belgian beauty a huge diamond sparkler at the weekend.
The happy couple, who began dating six months ago, are now planning a lavish ceremony for later this year.

12 Honest Reasons Why Some Women Are Still Single
Cause You Act Like A B**CH!!! – Yeah I said it, and what! Now I’m not trying to use that term in a general and disrespectful way. I am using it in a very specific and factual way. You have so many women that walk around with this nasty, stuck up attitude and they have the nerve to wonder why they struggle with finding the right man. Some of them have the audacity to cover it up by proclaiming to be a “diva”, too “classy”, or that they are just speaking their mind. In reality you just act like a b**ch. Some people might say, well I see plenty of women like that married or in relationships. Don’t be fooled, she wasn’t completely showing that side in the beginning, why? Because she is a smart b**ch : ). Either way, being a negative person isn’t going to help you find love. Most of the men may still go after you for séx, but if you learn to fix that attitude then you will start to attract the right kind of man in your life.

Don Jazzy Warned By Holy Spirit To Start Going To Church

Don Jazzy has not been going to church for sometime now, just like many others in the entertainment industry but something strange happened to him recently when his spirit starts disturbing him about the fact that he has not been going to church and some people even send him message about the issue.

10 Marriage Rules

Still making the kids' lunches every day because you think you "have to?" You may not realize it, but that behavior could be springing from an outdated belief that it's somehow "your job." Although rigid roles can make things more streamlined, they can also be limiting. So give up that - and these other 10 things - for a happier and less stressful union. By Jane Bianchi, REDBOOK.

1. Once you're married, you can't have a life of your own
 "A wife used to be encouraged to tend to her husband's and children's needs first. But if you do that, you'll become resentful," says Dan Beaver, a marriage and family therapist in Walnut Creek, CA. Then your frustration may manifest itself in different ways, like getting depressed, snapping at people, or smoking or drinking too much. So forget about that old-school rule, and do something every day that makes you feel happy, relaxed and/or fulfilled, whether that's seeing an author speak at your local bookstore, taking a few minutes to practice a morning meditation, or going on a green juice run sans kids. "You have to care for yourself before you can care for others," says Beaver.

2. Pouting is an effective way to make your point
 In the past, married men and women often fell into their defined roles, rarely stopping to reveal their true emotions if something was starting to feel "off" for fear that their partner might not understand, or worse, would reject them for it. But now all that is changing. "I try to help couples express themselves, even if they're worried that they'll appear too vulnerable," says Cheryl Gerson, LCSW, a couples therapist in New York City. In other words, if you're scared, say that out loud to your partner. You don't have to be tough and brave all the time. "You're human. Contrary to what you may think, admitting your fears and doubts will actually bring you and your partner closer," says Gerson.

You Are Desperate And An Illiterate, Ribadu Fires Back At Abati

A former Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Nuhu Ribadu has described the Special Adviser on Media and Publicity to President Goodluck Jonathan, Reuben Abati as a desperate personality, a fraud and someone who lacks ‘the simplest level of media literacy.’

Reacting to a statement credited to Mr Abati, in which the presidential spokesman referred to his views at a lecture in Kaduna last weekend as hypocritical and self-serving, Mr Ribadu accused the presidential aide of standing on “crooked crutches of rehashed falsehoods fabricated by corrupt politicians.”

Arsene Wenger Free To Spend

Arsenal chief executive Ivan Gazidis says Arsene Wenger is not 'scared to spend', but will hold out for top talent.
photo Arsenal chief executive Ivan Gazidis says Arsene Wenger is not 'scared to spend', but will hold out for top talent.
The Gunners boss has often adopted a frugal approach to transfer dealings, with the Frenchman reluctant to pay the kind of fees shelled out by his Premier League rivals.

"How My Dad Died" - Chinedu Ikedieze

It is usually devastating losing loved ones, especially those you have shared strong intimacy and affinity with over the years.
In fact, watching such persons die could be very heart breaking and demoralizing.

Such was the fate of Nollywood star Chinedu Ikedieze, famously known as Aki, who cried, cursed and wailed endlessly upon hearing the sad news of his father’s exit, a couple of days ago.

If tears could bring back the dead, Aki’s immeasurable sobs would have done that the day his septuagenarian father, Pa Michael Ikedieze Ogbonna, passed on at the age of 73.

Recounting the painful episode of how his dear dad breathed his last in an exclusive chat with ACTION!, the happily married entertainer, who struggled to hold back tears, affirmed it was a destructive demise.

3 Cancer Scares that You Need to Know About

.We've all encountered cancer in some way: Whether we've lost a loved one or have battled it ourselves, the big C looms all around us. And, sometimes it feels like the media loves to capitalize on our fear - hardly a week goes by without the news telling us about part of our daily routine that might be slowly be killing us. Between the media constantly hyping cancer scares and the reality of so many people in our lives actually facing cancer, it's getting increasingly more difficult to have perspective on what should realistically concern us.

So, to find out more about the current buzzy cancer scares, we caught up with some experts to separate the facts from the fiction. Read on to peek behind the curtain of three cancer scares - this is need-to-know stuff.

Oral Sex, HPV, and Throat Cancer
By now, we've all heard about Michael Douglas blaming his throat cancer on cunnilingus. We love safe sex, and think the more it's discussed, the better, but we were also suspicious. After all, if the link between oral sex, HPV (human papilloma virus), and throat cancer is so concrete, why is it that so few people know about it? And what's up with blaming cunnilingus, of all things? Honestly, the last thing we want is for female pleasure to get yet another stigma.

Monday 10 June 2013

Doctor Mutilates Baby’s Corpse, Removes Eyes, Tongue & Private Part

The Ogun State Police Command, Sunday, said it has arrested one Dr. Babawale Joshua who owned Ajike Medical Centre at 11, Adeyemi Street, Saka, Sango Ota, for suspected ritual activities and disrespect to the corpse of a 13-month-old baby who died in his hospital.
According the Police Public Relations Officer, PPRO, for the state, Mr Muyiwa Ogunjobi, the police discovered that the boy’s corpse was mutilated. He told Vanguard that  the eyes, tongue, two lips, two ears, private part, nails and the left hand and veins were cut off at the hospital.
Father’s account

Koko Master D'Banj Adds A Year

Dapo Daniel Oyebanjo, aka D'Banj, the Koko Master, one of Africa's greatest entertainers adds a year today.
He clocks 33 today and

Woman Stabs Man To Death With Her Shoe

A man is dead and a woman is facing murder charges for a bizarre stabbing incident in Texas - the suspected murder weapon is a stiletto shoe.
Police in Houston say the suspect, 44-year-old Ana Lilia Trujillo, used one of the pointy-heeled shoes to stab the 59-year-old victim in a high-rise luxury condominium building inhabited primarily by faculty and staff at the University of Houston.

Girl Circumcision Leads To Death

According to Egyptian media, a 13-year-old Egyptian girl, Suhair al-Bata’a, has died undergoing circumcision at a village in the Daqahliya governorate northeast of Cairo.
Girl Circumcision Leads To Death
"We left our daughter with the doctor and the nurse. 15 minutes later, the nurse took my daughter out of the operation room to a nearby room, along with three other girls whom the doctor was circumcising,"

Mohammed Ibrahim said.

Boko Haram Hide Guns In Coffin, Kill 13

Suspected Islamist insurgents who hid weapons inside a coffin have shot dead 13 people in an attack targeting informants in the northeastern city of Maiduguri, two witnesses said on Sunday.
 Boko Haram Hide Guns In Coffin, Kill 13

Friday's attack came as Nigeria's military makes its most concerted effort yet to end a four-year insurgency by Boko Haram, a sect that has killed thousands in a campaign to create a state governed by Islamic law in Nigeria's northeast.

Jide Kosoko's Daughter, Bidemi Disgraced In Ibadan

Nollywood actor, Prince Jide Kosoko's daughter, Bidemi Kosoko is presently a youth corp member at Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria.
However, many of her fellow corp members are currently complaining about her snobbish attitude and what some of them have termed as arrogance. 

According to impeccable sources, whenever some of the other corp members who have seen her movies approach her just to say 'Hi', Bidemi has a way of looking down on them.

Recently, according to an eyewitness, a female Batch A corp member said to her, "sister, please it's like I have seen your face before", but to the lady's disappointment, Bidemi just looked at the woman from head to toe and walked away," the source said. 

It was also gathered that because of her celebrity status, Bidemi also expects to get preferential treatments at her Community Development Service(CDS). According to what another source said, Bidemi, who was posted to Ibadan North Local Government recently came late for her clearance but was trying to jump the queue, but not giving a dime about her status or her father's, her Local Government Inspector(LGI) Mrs. Ologundudu, a no-nonsense woman told her point blank to go and join the queue.
Apparently, this action allegedly embarrassed her
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